Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cpanel & Whm Nulled

cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) combine to form a fully featured web hosting control panel system. cPanel and WHM allow you to provide an interface for both your customers and your staff.

The cPanel and WebHost Manager package includes:

* cPanel - Domain Owner Control Panel
* WebHost Manager - Server Administration and Reseller Panel
* Webmail Panel - Webmail Access Panel

cPanel Hosting Automation

cPanel is a hosting automation company driven by technology and dedicated to providing the most feature rich, easy to use, practical applications. We are committed to the hosting community and our continued role as a market leader.

Release Schedule

Due to the massive amount of changes to the cPanel and WHM code base, cPanel will be releasing this upgrade in multiple stages. The first stages will contain the majority of the new features and code, including the new domain owner interface. This first stage is currently available in the CURRENT branch and can be downloaded by running /scripts/upcp on the CLI or 'Upgrade to Latest Version' in WHM. The later updates will be smaller and more focused, including such features as Apache 2.0.x and 2.2.x support.

The following table represents when each stage of cPanel 11 will be released into our update branches (EDGE, CURRENT, RELEASE, STABLE). It is recommended to maintain your current upgrade branch to ensure a smooth transition to cPanel 11.
